Fresh, British Ceramic Biennial
I was selected to exhibit in Fresh, as part of the British Ceramics Biennial (BCB). The exhibition celebrates and gives a critical platform to the next wave of makers, artists and designers working with clay as they start their careers post-graduation (1). 21 graduates from across the UK where chosen to participate in the 2019 exhibition by the BCB in partnership with NACHE (National Association for Ceramics in Higher Education).
I exhibited four pieces from the Ashton Meadows collection. This included a transect of clay, which cracked and split over the course of the exhibition, two ceramic vessels glazed in clay sourced from Ashton Meadows and a piece of writing. Fresh was held at the China Hall, the original Spode Factory site in Stoke-on-Trent.
British Ceramics Biennial. 2020. Home - British Ceramics Biennial. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 May 2020].